Discuss what is meant by Moral Reasoning and Perspective-Taking.

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Please write an essay answering each question in full details using the book
“Educational Psychology” by Anita Woolfolk, the 12th edition.
Answer the questions in your own words. Do not copy and paste or use word to word from the text. Use in-text citations including the page number throughout the essay. Divide the pages among all three essay questions with no less than one page for each question and no less than 4 complete pages for all three. Please indicate where you start the the new essay question. number them from 1-3.

1- (Chapter 2) Discuss what is meant by Organization and Adaptation in Cognitive Development. In your discussion include: 1) the meanings of Assimilation and Accommodation; 2) a **real-world example of your own to illustrate how Assimilation and Accommodation processes work together to produce Equilibration (define). (Include the term Scheme somewhere in your discussion. You do not have to define Scheme but apply it in some way.)

2- (Chapter 2) Discuss what is meant by Cognitive Development. In your discussion include: 1) three characteristics of each of Piaget’s Four Stages; 2) a **real-world example of how you would teach a concept to two developmentally different groups of children (either Preoperational & Concrete Operational or Concrete Operational & Formal Operational). The concept can be anything that you like such how to add, or the meaning of a certain word such as justice. (To answer Part 2 of this question, you will need to use pages 47 & 49 or pages 49 & 51. Pick any two guidelines for each of the groups, state them in your essay, and create a learning situation in which each one applies. The guidelines are in the dark letters above the examples. Also, mention why you apply each guideline in relation to how Piaget says children in that stage mentally develop. To do this, refer to the mental characteristics of that stage that you described in Part 1.

3- (Chapter3) Discuss what is meant by Moral Reasoning and Perspective-Taking. In your discussion include: 1) the characteristics of each of Kohlberg’s Three Levels of Moral Development (there are six stages all together), and describe two major criticisms of the theory; 2) (using your own thought process), contrast Kohlberg’s theory with Gilligan’s theory, and explain how both Moral Reasoning and Perspective-Taking might apply to Kohlberg’s theory versus Gilligan’s “Ethic of Care”. (As part of your descriptions of Kohlberg’s and Gilligan’s ideas, include a **real-world example of what a person might say to himself or herself in the process of making a moral decision Kohlberg’s way, then Gilligan’s way. To illustrate each theory, the inclusion of one or two thoughts is acceptable. You can opt to put these thoughts in quotes. For instance, he or she thought “What a nice day it is today.”)
I am requesting a professional American writer. Please no plaigiarism. Please answer each question in details in order. Please indicate the answer for each question in order to know which answer is for what question. Please be specific in examples and make sure the examples apply to the question asked. The only source that may be used is the source listed above. In the case the writer has no access to the book, please notify me as soon as possible to cancel my order. Please do not write the paper if you don’t have access to the exact book. I will only accept the paper if you have access to the book. Please email me to notify me whether you have access before writing the paper. thank you and I really appreciate it.


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